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The Invisble Boy

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

Jan. 4 - 18, 2020
Wells Fargo Playhouse

Recommended for ages 4 and older

A musical comedy by Robert Kauzlaric, Paul Gilvary and William Rush
Based on the books by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
There are three sides to every story. Theirs. His. And the truth.
You know the story. Three pigs build houses, the one who builds with bricks avoids the Big Bad Wolf and lives to tell the tale. But is that what really happened, or just porcine propaganda? In this brilliant parody of the famous fairy tale, we follow the Big Bad Wolf as he stands trial for his purported deeds. He has his own version of the story – and the audience becomes the jury, helping decide his fate: guilty or not guilty! Based on John Scieszka’s wildly popular book, this courtroom-farce-meets-musical is sure to please…it would be a crime to miss it!
Themes: differing viewpoints, jumping to conclusions