School of Theatre Training | Conservatory

6th - 12th Grade | Offered at ImaginOn | Tuition $750 | 20-weeks

Placement is by audition only. Before auditioning, we expect students to have a working knowledge of given circumstances, objectives, tactic/beat shifts, etc. There should be evidence of this in their performance with some coaching from a Teaching Artist. Additionally, there is a need for work outside of class including script reading, written analysis, and extensive memorization.
If you have general questions about the SOTT Conservatory program, contact the Education Department.

New Works Class

Join in the creation of an original play with your teacher/director. Develop the script, rehearse, and then perform your play for an audience.

Acting Company

Strengthen the mind-body connection and cultivate observable, physical choices in the student’s work with both classic and modern text. Each evening divides class time between an “Acting” and “Movement for the Actor” block.

Musical Theatre Company

Sharpen the student's dancing and singing technique to better connect with the character’s emotional journey with both solo and group work. Each evening divides class time between an “Acting/Vocal” and “Musical Theatre Dance” block.

Pre-Professional Company

Our most advanced students will explore various theatre methodologies deepening their craft of acting. This class also offers an integrated approach to entering the industry. Topics include refining your artistic “point-of-view,” creating your own work, and taking care of yourself as a professional.

Students will...

  • Join small group classes taught by master Teaching Artists.
  • Present a showcase for family and friends at the end of session.
  • Receive written evaluations by Teaching Artists to show growth.
  • Receive early registration to OnStage before opening to other SOTT students.

Additional Information